Following are our recently published articles. Click on a title to read the complete article:

Zorin OS 17: Download Windows Look-Like Linux Distribution

UPDATE: Zorin OS 17 is available for download which comes with many new features, improvements and changes. If you are a Windows user and want to give Linux a try but you are too much worried about the new GUI,…

Disable URL Collection and Permission Suggestions in Chrome

If you are using Google Chrome 120 or later version, you can disable “URL-based permission suggestions service” which collects the URLs of pages you visit and sends the collected data to Google to make searches and browsing better. This new…

Connect to Wi-Fi Network in Your Smartphone without Password

If you want to connect to a Wi-Fi network or mobile hotspot in your smartphone without knowing the password or security key, this article will help you in easily connecting to the Wi-Fi network without any need of the password.…

Download Panda Free Antivirus (Panda Dome) Offline Installer

UPDATE: Panda free antivirus (Panda Dome) 22.02.01 version available for download. NOTE: Panda free antivirus is now known as Panda Dome. If you are looking for a new free antivirus for your system, you should give a try to “Panda…

[Tip] Force Firefox to Always Underline Links on Web Pages

If you face problems while differentiating between text and links on some websites and you always wanted a way to easily recognize hyperlinks on web pages, you can now enable “Always underline links” feature in Mozilla Firefox and the web…

Disable Rounded Corners around Browser Frame in Microsoft Edge

If you want to get rid of the new rounded corners which are displayed around the whole browser frame in Microsoft Edge web browser, this article will help you in disabling the rounded corners and restoring classic squared browser frame…

[Tip] How to Enable / Disable New Refresh UI in Google Chrome

UPDATE (December 18, 2023): With the release of the latest Chrome 120 version, Google has enabled the new redesigned or refresh UI for all Chrome users. If you don’t like the new UI and want to restore the old classic…

How to Change Title Bar Color from Blue to Grey in Chrome

UPDATE (December 18, 2023): Google has added new built-in options to disable the new Blue title bar and restore default Grey title bar color in Chrome 120 and later versions. The article has been updated to add the new working…

[Tip] Restore User Profile Icon on Toolbar in Microsoft Edge

If the user profile (also known as user account or avatar) icon has been moved to the title bar in your Microsoft Edge web browser and you want to restore the profile icon or button on previous toolbar position, this…

WSA Update “2311” Released for Windows 11 Subsystem for Android

UPDATE: Microsoft has released a new update version 2311.40000.3.0 (December 2023) for the “Windows Subsystem for Android” (WSA) feature present in Windows 11 operating system. This update includes improvements to platform reliability and functionality, security updates, few changes and other…

[Changelog] What’s New in Microsoft Edge 110 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Microsoft Edge web browser released after version 110.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft Edge…

[Changelog] What’s New in Microsoft Edge 100 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Microsoft Edge web browser released after version 100.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft Edge…

[Fix] Google Drive Files Disappeared or Lost from Users Accounts

UPDATE: A new version of Google Drive is available for download which fixes the data loss issue for users. The article has been updated to include the download links and how-to instructions. If you use Google Drive cloud storage to…

[Changelog] What’s New in Google Chrome 110 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Google Chrome web browser released after version 110.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Google Chrome browser. Google Chrome…

[Changelog] What’s New in Google Chrome 100 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Google Chrome web browser released after version 100.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Google Chrome browser. Google Chrome…

[Fix] App Switching Issue While Typing on Keyboard in iPhone

If you use Apple iPhone and whenever you start typing inside any app such as Messages, WhatsApp, etc, your iPhone automatically brings App Switcher on your screen or switches to another running app automatically, this article will help you in…

[Changelog] What’s New in Mozilla Firefox 110 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser released after version 110.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Mozilla Firefox browser. Mozilla Firefox…

[Changelog] What’s New in Mozilla Firefox 100 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser released after version 100.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Mozilla Firefox browser. Mozilla Firefox…

[Changelog] What’s New in Google Chrome 90 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Google Chrome web browser released after version 90.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Google Chrome browser. Google Chrome…

How to Always Open Command Prompt in Terminal in Windows 11

If you want to force Windows 11 to always open Terminal app in Command Prompt (CMD) mode, this article will help you. Windows 11 operating system comes with new Terminal app preinstalled which is an enhanced or improved version of…

[Changelog] What’s New in Mozilla Firefox 90 and Later Versions

In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser released after version 90.0 to public. You’ll find the release date and what’s new in each version of Mozilla Firefox browser. Mozilla Firefox…

[Fix] Notepad Restores Previously Opened Files in Windows 11

If Notepad automatically restores previously opened text files whenever you launch the app in your Windows 11 device and you want to disable this feature, this article will help you. Many Windows 11 users might have noticed this new functionality…