[Tip] Enable Tab Scrolling in Opera One Version 100 and Later

This article will help you in enabling the missing tab scrolling or scrollable tab strip feature in Opera One web browser (version 100 and later).

The new Opera One web browser comes with a completely redesigned UI and many new features. You can read our review of Opera One web browser’s UI changes and new features at following link:

[Review] What’s New in Opera One Version 100? UI Changes and New Features


Recently one AskVG reader “Edith Barodi” discovered that Opera team has removed the tab scrolling functionality from Opera One web browser.

Here is the comment shared by the reader:

Dear VG,

Please help me.

I have many tabs open in Opera (usually more than 100). Scrolling between tabs was not a problem in previous versions. But now, unfortunately, the new Opera version has been installed and a lot of things have gone wrong. My main question is that there is no arrow pointing to the right and left anywhere in the horizontal scrolling row. How to adjust the scrolling to work properly? As it worked in the previous version.

Thank you.

I checked the issue myself and I also noticed that when we open multiple tabs in Opera One, the web browser doesn’t switch to scrollable tab bar and the tab bar gets overloaded with tiny tab icons which are very hard to identify and switch.



The same tab bar issue was present in legacy versions of Opera (version 87 and earlier) and Opera team introduced horizontal tab scrolling feature to resolve the issue. We shared the tip in following article last year:

[Tip] Enable or Disable Horizontal Tab Scrolling in Opera Browser

Unfortunately, the option to enable tab scrolling has been removed from Settings page in Opera One web browser and users can’t turn tab scrolling on.

Don’t worry! There is a hidden secret preference/flag present in Opera One web browser which can be modified to enable the missing tab scrolling feature again in the web browser.

If you also want to restore tab scrolling feature in Opera One web browser (version 100 and later), following steps will help you:

1. Launch Opera One web browser and type opera://flags in address bar and press Enter. It’ll open the hidden secret advanced configuration page called “Experiments“.

2. Now click inside “Search flags” text box and type scrollable. It’ll show following option in the result:

Scrollable tab strip

Scroll the tabs when the tab strip becomes too small to contain them. – Mac, Windows, Linux


3. To re-enable tab scrolling feature in Opera, select “Enabled” from the drop-down box.


4. Opera will ask you to restart the browser. Click on “Relaunch now” button to restart Opera.

That’s it. You have successfully restored tab scrolling feature in your Opera One web browser. Now whenever you open multiple tabs in Opera, a scrollbar will appear on tab bar which can be used to navigate between tabs.

PS: In future, if you decide to disable tab scrolling feature, restore the above mentioned flag value to Default or disabled.

Also Check:

[Tip] Disable Aria AI and Tab Islands in Opera One Web Browser

[Tip] Disable New “Ctrl+Tab” Visual Tab Cycler and Restore Classic Tab Switcher in Opera

Published in: Opera

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. Great! Tab scrolling is back.
    It would be even better if Tab Stacking was re-introduced, as in Opera some years ago.
    Tab Stacking was far superior to the new Tab Islands.

  2. Thanks for this guide, I enabled scrollable tab strip, but there is still no arrow left and right so I can’t cycle easily between tabs as before, I guess the devs still haven’t implemented this complicated feature. I suppose there is no fix for this now right ?

  3. ^^ Opera team is working on restoring fully functional tab scrolling feature. We should expect it soon.

  4. Sadly, with the most recent release of Opera One (version 102.0.4880.56), “enabling” horizontal tab scrolling on the experiments page no longer works, and we are back to the mini-tabs at the top of the screen.

  5. As of the newest update, this method is no longer functional. Are there any alternatives? I keep lots of tabs open, so the new system is impossible to navigate for me 🙁

  6. thank you so much.
    but after that we must go to the setting and enable this:
    –> Enable tab scrolling when many tabs are open

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