[Tip] Disable Aria AI and Tab Islands in Opera One Version 100 and Later

The new Opera One web browser (version 100 and later) comes with brand new redesigned UI along with many new features such as Tab Islands and native Aria AI service. If you want to disable or remove these extra bloatware features from Opera One, this article will help you.

Tab Islands Feature in Opera One Browser

The new Tab Islands feature in Opera One displays floating or disconnected tabs with rounded corners on the tab bar which look very similar to the tab UI present in Mozilla Firefox web browser. Microsoft is also working on a similar tab UI in Microsoft Edge web browser codenamed as Phoenix or Visual Rejuv.

Following screenshot shows the rounded tabs present in Opera One web browser:



The new Tab Islands feature is actually a tab grouping feature which automatically combines tabs from the same website in a single group. Following image shows Tab Islands feature grouping the tabs automatically and how we can ungroup the tabs by clicking on the Tab Islands vertical icon:


Tab Islands feature has been developed to assist Opera One users in organizing and arranging tabs quickly and easily on the tab bar to free up space.

Aria AI Service in Opera One Web Browser

If we talk about the new built-in AI service called “Aria”, it has been developed to assist Opera users in accessing and using various AI features right from the web browser without opening any external website. Aria is an advanced and improved version of AI Prompts feature introduced in previous Opera versions.

You can access Aria and other AI services using sidebar or by pressing Ctrl+/ keys together to launch the command-line UI of Aria as shown in following screenshot:



If you don’t like these extra unnecessary features in Opera One web browser and want to have a classic experience, this article will help you. We can disable or turn off Tab Islands feature as well as get rid of the Aria AI in Opera One browser using following steps:

Disable Tab Islands Feature in Opera One Browser

You can disable Tab Islands automatic tabs grouping functionality using Opera Settings page as well as Easy Setup flyout as shown in following steps:

1. Launch Opera One web browser, click on Opera Menu button and then click on Settings option. Alternatively you can directly launch Settings page by pressing Alt+P keys together.

2. Now click on “Browser” tab or section present in left-sidebar.

3. In right-side pane, scroll down a little and you’ll see “User Interface” section.

4. To disable Tab Islands feature, set the toggle button given next to “Automatically create tab islands” option to OFF.


It’ll immediately deactivate tab islands feature in your web browser and Opera One will stop creating tab groups or stacks on the tab bar.

PS: The same option to turn off Tab Islands feature is also present on Easy Setup sidebar or fly-out which can be accessed by clicking on the Easy Setup button present at the right-side of Opera toolbar.


Disable Aria and Other AI Services in Opera One

You can easily remove Aria and other AI services such as ChatGPT, ChatSonic and their shortcut icons from Opera sidebar using following steps:

1. Open Settings page in Opera One browser.

2. Now click on “Features” tab or section present in left-sidebar.

3. In right-side pane, scroll down a little and you’ll see “AI Services” section.

4. To disable AI services, set the toggle button given next to their names to OFF.


PS: Same options are also present on Easy Setup sidebar or fly-out which can be accessed by clicking on the Easy Setup button present at the right-side of Opera toolbar.

Disable Aria Command-Line Shortcut UI in Opera One

You can also disable the built-in Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/ hotkey to quickly launch Aria AI service using following steps:

1. Launch Opera One web browser and type opera://flags in address bar and press Enter. It’ll open the hidden secret advanced configuration page called “Experiments“.

2. Now click inside “Search flags” text box and type aria. It’ll show following option in the result:

Aria Command Line

Enable a quick Aria query UI. – Mac, Windows, Linux


3. To completely disable Aria AI command-line feature, select “Disabled” from the drop-down box.


4. Opera will ask you to restart the browser. Click on “Relaunch now” button to restart Opera.

That’s it. You have successfully deactivated Aria AI command-line UI and its shortcut in your Opera One web browser.

PS: In future, if you decide to restore Aria AI service, restore the above mentioned flag value to Default or enabled.

Also Check:

[Tip] How to Disable Tab Previews and Tab Menu on Ctrl+Tab Switching in Opera

Published in: Opera

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. I can’t get to the sound on/off selection on the smaller tab in the island. I try and turn “Island Tabs” off, but it won’t shut off. The island tabs feature is a real bummer for me.

  2. thank you very much. Turning off arias shortcut was really helpful. It is a problem as it is the same shortcut of Line Comment used in most of IDEs

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