Following is a list of all articles posted in this category, click on a link to read the complete article:

[Fix] No Such Interface Supported Error Message in Windows

Recently a reader contacted me regarding this weird issue, so I decided to publish a dedicated article containing its solution so that other people can also take benefit of it. PROBLEM SYMPTOM: Whenever you try to open or launch a…

What is Opera Browser Assistant? How to Disable or Remove it?

Yesterday while preparing images for MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe process article, I noticed a new program listed in Windows 10 startup apps list. I found a new program “Opera Browser Assistant” present in startup programs list as shown in following screenshot: The publisher…

[Windows 10 Fix] OneNote App Crashes and Closes on Startup

In this troubleshooting article, we are going to address a very weird and annoying problem related to the built-in OneNote app in Windows 10 operating system. Windows 10 comes preinstalled or bundled with OneNote app and you can launch OneNote…

[Fix] Can’t Unmaximize or Restore Down Programs in Windows 10

Recently an AskVG reader contacted me regarding this weird and annoying issue encountered in Windows 10. He upgraded his computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10. After upgrade, he was unable to unmaximize or restore down program windows in Windows…