How to Still Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in Your Twitter Account For Free

Twitter has disabled the SMS or text message option for two-factor authentication security feature for all Twitter users who are using the free account. Now the SMS option is a paid service available to Twitter Blue subscribers only.

If you still want to enable and use two-factor authentication for free in your Twitter account for security purposes, this article will help you.

Text Message Two-Factor Authentication on Twitter Not Working

Last month on February 15, 2023, Twitter announced that the company will remove SMS option for two-factor authentication for non-Twitter Blue subscribers. In other words, the free Twitter users will not be able to use SMS or text message service for two-factor authentication to login to their Twitter accounts.


Twitter announced that starting from March 20, 2023, all existing Twitter accounts which are not enrolled into Twitter Blue subscription, will lose SMS option for two-factor authentication. Only Twitter Blue subscribers will be able to continue using SMS service for two-factor authentication.

The time has come. If you enabled SMS or text message option for two-factor authentication in your Twitter account in past, starting today whenever you’ll open Twitter website or app and sign into your account, you’ll be required to remove SMS service for two-factor authentication from your account. The 2-factor authentication has stopped working for all Twitter free accounts.

Following screenshot shows Twitter asking to remove text message two-factor authentication service while trying to use Twitter account:


Once you click on “Get Started” button, it automatically disables two-factor authentication service from your Twitter account. You can receive traditional “Something went wrong” error message. Ignore it.

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It’s not a good thing for security purposes. Disabling two-factor authentication from your Twitter account will lead to security issues.


What is Two-Factor Authentication Feature?

If you are wondering what is two-factor authentication feature, let’s help you. Two-factor authentication is also known as various other names such as 2-step verification. It works as an extra security layer to protect your account. Once you sign into your account by entering your username and password, the two-factor authentication requires to enter an additional 6-digit OTP code which is sent to your mobile phone as an SMS. Once you enter the code, you are allowed to use your account.

Almost all websites and services allow users to enable and use 2-factor authentication feature for free.

How to Still Use Two-Factor Authentication in Twitter for Free?

Fortunately, Twitter still allows to use Authentication apps and security keys to use as two-factor authentication for free.

So we can re-enable two-factor authentication feature in our free Twitter account and set an authentication app to generate the 6-digit OTP code to sign into Twitter account just like we used to receive the code as an SMS on our mobile phone.

Authentication app works similar to the text message service. We install an app in our smartphone and use it to generate the TOTP (time-based one time password) code required to sign into our account. In my opinion, authentication app is more secure than the text message option for two-factor authentication.

If you also want to enable and use two-factor authentication feature in your Twitter account for free, following steps will help you:

1. Open Twitter website or mobile app and sign into your Twitter account.

2. Now click on More (3-dots icon) -> Settings and Support -> Settings and Privacy option. Alternatively, you can use the direct URL in the address bar.


3. Now click on Security and Account Access section in left-side pane and then click on Security option in right-side pane.


4. It’ll open the page to turn on two-factor authentication service. Click on Two-factor authentication option.

You can directly go to this page using URL in the address bar.


5. Now select Authentication app option and follow the instructions given on your screen. It’ll generate a QR code which you need to scan using the authentication app on your smartphone.


Install an authentication app in your smartphone if you haven’t. There are multiple apps available on Android and iOS such as Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile, 1Password, etc. Scan the QR code and it’ll add Twitter account security code service to the app.

Once you complete the setup, you’ll be able to use the security codes generated by the mobile app to sign into your Twitter account.

NOTE: Twitter will provide you a backup code, keep it in safe place. You can use this backup code to sign into your Twitter account without the 2-factor authentication code. It might become helpful if you lose your smartphone or reset the phone.

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Published in: Mobiles and Internet

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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