How to Repair or Reinstall Windows 11 Without Losing Files and Settings

If you want to reinstall Windows 11 in your computer without losing your personalized settings, important files and installed apps and programs, this article will help you in learning a new way to repair and reinstall the current or existing version of Windows 11 in your computer while preserving all your personal documents, apps and customized settings.

Many times we face problems and issues while using Windows 11 operating system such as random error codes, hanging issues, app crashes or performance issues. Formatting the hard disk (C: drive) and performing a clean or fresh installation of Windows 11 is always recommended in such kind of situations.

When we perform a clean installation of Windows 11 in our device, it deletes all our files, customized settings and installed software programs and reinstalls Windows 11 from scratch. After reinstalling Windows, we have to reapply our settings and restore files, apps and programs.


Wouldn’t it be great if we could reinstall Windows 11 without losing anything? Yes. It’s now possible. Windows 11 allows users to reinstall the operating system while keeping all the files, apps and settings intact.


The newer versions of Windows 11 come with a special feature called “Fix Problems Using Windows Update” which helps users in repairing their device and reinstalling the current version of Windows 11.

If any of following condition applies on you, this new Windows 11 repair feature will definitely help you:

  • You want to fix and repair Windows 11 in your device without reinstalling Windows in your computer.
  • You want to repair or reinstall Windows 11 in your device while preserving existing files, software and settings.
  • You want to reinstall Windows 11 in your device but you don’t have its offline ISO file and don’t have time to create a bootable USB drive.
  • You want to perform an in-place upgrade to the latest version of Windows 11 in your computer without losing files, apps and settings.

This new Windows 11 repair feature is definitely a gift for all users who want to save their time and efforts and want to reinstall Windows 11 in their device without losing anything and without creating a bootable USB drive from setup ISO file.

If you also want to use the new Windows 11 repair feature to fix your computer system, following steps will help you:

STEP 1: Open Settings app from Start Menu or by pressing WIN+I keys together.


STEP 2: Now click on “System” section or tab present in left-side pane.

STEP 3: In right-side pane, click on “Recovery” (Reset, advanced startup, go back) option.

STEP 4: Now look for following option:

Fix problems using Windows Update

Reinstall your current version of Windows (your apps, files, and settings will be preserved)


Click on “Reinstall Now” button.

STEP 5: Windows will show a dialog box with the title “We’ll repair components and system files” to ask for confirmation. Click on OK button.


STEP 6: It’ll open Windows Update page and Windows 11 will start checking for new updates. Wait for a few minutes and you’ll see Windows 11 (repair version) has started downloading in your device.


Windows 11 will automatically download the setup files of the current version from Microsoft servers and it’ll take some time depending upon your Internet connection speed.

After downloading the required setup files, Windows 11 will start reinstalling the downloaded version.

You’ll need to restart your computer system when asked and after restarting, you’ll have the latest version of Windows 11 installed in your computer and all your files, settings and installed apps and programs will remain intact.

This is the easiest and fastest way to repair and reinstall Windows 11 in your device without any need of downloading offline ISO file and creating bootable USB drive. The best part of this feature is that it preserves all the existing files, settings and apps.

Also Check:

How to Install Windows 11 on Unsupported Hardware Devices

[Tip] How to Install Windows 11 Using Media Creation Tool

[Tip] How to Download Windows 11 Offline ISO Files

How to Create Windows 11 Bootable USB Drive with Hardware Requirements Check Disabled

Published in: Troubleshooting Guides, Windows 11

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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