[Fix] Downloading English (UK) Update, Waiting for Network Connection Notification in Android

If you are getting “Downloading English (UK) Update, Waiting for Network Connection” notification all the time in your Google Android smartphone, this article will help you in getting rid of the notification.

I was getting this annoying notification in my Samsung Galaxy S9 and S20+ smartphones. The notification was stuck at the top in my phone and clicking on the Cancel button was not removing the notification message.

Following screenshot shows the downloading English update notification displaying in my Android smartphone:



People living in different regions might see different region name in the notification such as “English (US) Update”, “English (India) Update”, “English (Australia) Update”, etc.

The screenshot shows “Speech services by Google” in the header of the notification which means the notification was being displayed by the same app.

I terminated/force stopped the app using Settings -> Apps page in my phone settings page and it helped in removing the notification but after sometime the notification message reappeared on the phone screen.

When I searched, I found that it’s a known issue which has been acknowledged by Google team and the company has released an update for “Speech services by Google” app to fix the notification issue.

If you are also receiving this notification alert in your Android smartphone and want to disable it, following methods will help you:

SOLUTION 1: Update “Speech Services by Google” App in Your Smartphone

Google developer team has released a new update to fix the “Downloading English Update, Waiting for Network Connection” error message being shown by the app.


So first of all download and install the latest version of “Speech services by Google” app in your phone. You can update the app to new version using Play Store.

For your convenience, here is the direct link to download and install latest version of “Speech services by Google” app in your smartphone:

Install Latest Version of “Speech Services by Google” App in Android Smartphone

Once you update the app in your phone, restart the phone and the irritating notification will no longer appear in your phone.

SOLUTION 2: Turn Off Automatic Update of Languages in Your Smartphone

Sometimes this notification message might appear in your phone if there is an update available for one or more installed languages in your phone but your phone is not connected to a Wi-Fi network. The “Speech services by Google” app uses an offline language database to provide speech recognition functionality to the user and this language database gets regular updates.

By default all Android smartphones are set to automatic update the installed language databases over Wi-Fi connection and if the phone doesn’t detect Wi-Fi network connectivity and finds an update available for installed language, it starts showing the “Downloading English Update, Waiting for Network Connection” notification to alert the user about the available update so that the user can connect to Wi-Fi network to allow the phone to update the language pack.

To get rid of the message, you can connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network and your phone will start downloading and installing the new update for the installed language. Once the update is completed, the notification message will disappear.

If you don’t have a working Wi-Fi connection or you want to completely disable this notification message, you can turn off the automatic update of languages feature in your phone using following steps:

1. Open Settings app in your smartphone and tap on Google option listed on the page.

2. Now scroll down and tap on Settings for Google Apps option.

3. Again tap on Search, Assistant and Voice option.

4. Now tap on Voice option and then tap on Offline Speech Recognition option.

5. Tap on the last tab AUTO-UPDATE.

6. Now select “Do not auto-update languages” option to permanently disable automatic update of languages in your phone.


If you want to get regular updates of languages but want to disable annoying notification pop-up, you can select “Auto-update languages at any time” option which means your phone will also update the installed languages over mobile data.

7. At last restart your mobile phone and after reboot, you’ll no longer see the annoying “Downloading English Update, Waiting for Network Connection” notification in your mobile phone.

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Published in: Mobiles and Internet, Troubleshooting Guides

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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