Fix Apps Showing File System Error -2147219196 in Windows 10

If you are using Windows 10 operating system in your computer and suddenly many built-in or native apps stopped working with “File system error (-2147219196)” message, this article will help you in fixing the broken apps issue and making the apps working again.

PROBLEM SYMPTOM: UWP Apps Crashing in Windows 10

Many Windows 10 users are facing this annoying issue. Whenever they try to open Photos or other built-in apps such as calculator, calendar, camera, clock, feedback hub, etc, the app crashes and displays following error message in a dialog box:

File system error (-2147219196)


Following screenshot shows the problem live in action in Windows 10 device:


The issue is occurring with native or built-in apps mainly in Windows 10 devices. Native apps are those UWP or store apps which come bundled or preinstalled with Windows 10 or are downloaded and installed via Microsoft Store.

Similar issue was shared by rbcameron at official Microsoft community and several Windows 10 users confirmed the issue present in their devices.

PROBLEM REASON: Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Package is the Culprit

Microsoft has confirmed that the issue is occurring due to a regression in the vclibs framework package which is used by many UWP apps such as Photos and other above mentioned built-in apps.

Here is the official Microsoft statement acknowledging the broken apps problem:

The Visual C++ team has identified the problem as a regression in the vclibs framework package that the Photos app and other apps depend on. The problem affects computers with older hardware (that do not support SSE 4.2 instructions). Microsoft is currently working on validating a solution and it’s expected to rollout to affected customers soon.


PROBLEM SOLUTION: Update Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Package from Microsoft Store

Thanks to Oto, we now have a working solution to fix the irritating bug in Windows 10. The app crashing issue can be easily resolved by downloading or updating the Visual C++ 2015 UWP runtime package to the latest version using Microsoft Store app.

If you are also facing this issue in your Windows 10 device, download and install the updated package from following Store links:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Package

Once you install the updated C++ runtime packages, try to launch the problematic app again and now it should open without any problem or error message.

You might need to restart the computer to take effects.

Microsoft will start rolling out the patch very soon to all Windows 10 devices…

Also Check:

[Tip] Create Shortcuts or Direct Commands to Launch UWP Apps in Windows 10 and 11

[Guide] How to Uninstall and Remove All Built-in Apps in Windows 10

[Guide] How to Reinstall All Default Built-in Apps in Windows 10

Published in: Troubleshooting Guides, Windows 10

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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