Disable Text Prediction and Microsoft Editor in Microsoft Edge

Newer versions of Microsoft Edge web browser come with a new feature called “Text Prediction“. This new feature provides word and sentence suggestions while typing in a text field on webpages. If you find the new text prediction feature annoying, this article will help you in disabling it.

What is Text Prediction Feature in Microsoft Edge?

In Microsoft Edge 109 and later versions, Microsoft has added Text Prediction feature to help users in writing faster and with fewer mistakes. As soon as you start typing inside a text field present on a website such as comment form, Microsoft Edge starts displaying text prediction to assist you.

Following screenshot shows the text prediction feature live in action:



As soon as we typed “bea” in the text field, Microsoft Edge provided a text prediction “beautiful”. We can auto-complete the word by pressing “Tab” key to select the predicted word.

Text Prediction is a part of Microsoft Editor tool which is an AI-powered tool added to Microsoft Edge to provide enhanced suggestions related to grammar, spelling and styling to help users in writing faster on websites.

Text Prediction and Microsoft Editor Send Typed Data to Microsoft Cloud Service

Microsoft clearly states that when you use Microsoft Editor as writing assistant, text typed in certain text boxes on the web will be sent to Microsoft cloud service to provide spellcheck, grammar check, and text prediction services. So keep in mind that the data might be sent to Microsoft for processing and many users may not like this behavior due to privacy concerns.

Although Microsoft also mentions that typed text data sent for spelling and grammar check is not stored and is deleted after processing.

Disable Text Prediction and Microsoft Editor Features in Microsoft Edge

Fortunately, Microsoft allows users to disable or turn off text prediction as well as complete Microsoft Editor feature in Edge.

If you worried about privacy and want to disable Microsoft Editor and text prediction features in Edge browser, following steps will help you:


1. Click on the main 3-dots menu button present at the right-side of the toolbar in Edge and select Settings option from the main menu. Now click on Languages tab in left sidebar and in right-side pane, look for Use writing assistance section.


You can also directly open Languages Settings page using edge://settings/languages URL in address bar.

2. Now do as following:

If you want to disable new Text Prediction feature only to stop receiving automatic word suggestions while typing on webpages, set the “Use text prediction” toggle option to OFF.


If you want to completely disable Microsoft Editor tool to improve privacy and prevent Microsoft Edge from sending typed text data to Microsoft, select “Basic” option given next to “Microsoft Editor” option. Now typed data will be processed locally on your device.

If you want to disable all typing assistance features such as spell check, grammar check, text predictions, etc, set the “Use writing assistance” toggle option to OFF.

That’s it.

Also Check:

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[Tip] Disable Microsoft Edge from Collecting and Sending Your Search Results

Published in: Microsoft Edge

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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