Following is a list of all articles posted in this category, click on a link to read the complete article:

[Tip] Enable Dark or Light Themes on Websites in Firefox

If you want to force Mozilla Firefox to always open websites in Dark or Light themes, this article will help you. Remember availability of dark or light theme depends upon the website code. Every website has different UI or interface…

[Tip] Force Firefox to Start Downloads in Temp Folder Again

If you want to force Mozilla Firefox browser to always use TEMP folder to store downloaded files until you decide to save them on your hard disk, this article will help you in restoring this classic behavior in Firefox. Since…

[Fix] Unable to Install Firefox in Windows 7

If you are having problems while trying to install Mozilla Firefox in Windows 7, this article will help you in fixing the issue and installing Firefox successfully. PROBLEM SYMPTOM: You have a Windows 7 computer and you are trying to…

[Tip] Enable Fully Automatic and Silent Download Feature in Firefox

If you want to have a silent and fully automatic download experience in Mozilla Firefox browser where you click on a download link and Firefox starts downloading the file without interrupting you and showing any Download panel flyout in toolbar,…

[Tip] Disable New Print Preview UI in Mozilla Firefox

This article will help you in disabling the new modern Print Preview UI in Mozilla Firefox and force the browser to direct print the page without displaying Print Preview window. When Mozilla team implemented a redesigned Print Preview overlay UI…

How to Disable Firefox Suggest Sponsored Ads in the Address bar?

If you want to know what is Firefox Suggest feature which displays sponsored ads and website suggestions in Mozilla Firefox address bar, what information does this feature collect and send and how to completely turn off or disable this feature…

[Tip] How to Enable and Use New Colorways Themes in Firefox

Newer versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser (94.0 and later) come with 6 brand new colorful themes called as “Colorways“. These seasonal themes come built-in or bundled with the browser and you don’t need to download or install them manually.…

[Tip] Restore Warning or Confirmation Box on Closing Firefox Window

In Mozilla Firefox 94.0 or later versions, if you have opened multiple tabs in Firefox and you click on “Close” button present in the titlebar or you click on “Quit” or “Exit” option present in Firefox Menu, the browser immediately…