[Bug] Opera Menu Button Not Showing or Not Aligned Properly in Titlebar

In this article, we are going to address a weird and annoying bug which started appearing in Opera web browser after upgrading to version 97.0 or later. Due to this bug, the main Opera Menu button or icon disappears from the top-left corner of Opera window titlebar or sometimes displays out of alignment.

Following image shows the Opera bug live in action:



Today our reader “Generosus” contacted us regarding this issue in Opera web browser. Here is the comment shared by the reader:

Opera’s latest update, V97.0.4719.28, introduces an obvious bug into the browser.

The “Menu” icon/link typically displayed in the upper left-hand side of the browser is now gone.

Details: prnt.sc/A1hUU0biLYLf

The only way to bring it back (temporarily) is to either minimize then maximize the browser or going to “Easy Setup” > “Appearance” and then clicking “Autohide” followed by “Off.”

Details: prnt.sc/IoB4eudyRkLJ

Surprised the developers of Opera didn’t catch this before releasing this version.


Anyone else experiencing this?

To confirm the bug, I updated the Opera browser to the latest 97.0.4719.28 version which was released yesterday by Opera team.

After updating to the latest version, I opened Opera and didn’t notice any bug. The Opera Menu button was showing properly. But after a few minutes, I was able to reproduce the bug.

Point 1: The bug only occurs if we have disabled the Sidebar in Opera browser. If the sidebar is enabled, Opera user will not face this issue.

Point 2: The bug only appears when Opera window is maximized.

When we disable the Opera sidebar, Opera starts showing full text or label for Opera Menu button in the titlebar. Now try to restore and maximize Opera window by clicking on the middle button present between Minimize and Close buttons on Opera titlebar.

You’ll see the bug. Opera Menu button will get misplaced. Some users many notice that the Opera Menu button has been removed completely from the header.

I think this bug is related to the custom DPI scaling applied in Windows devices which causes Opera to not show the Menu button properly in the titlebar.

Fix 1: To fix this bug, you just need to minimize and maximize Opera window and the Menu button will start showing properly.

Fix 2: You can also follow below steps to bring back the missing Opera Menu button:

  • Open Easy Setup sidebar or fly-out by clicking on the Easy Setup button present at the right-side of Opera toolbar.
  • Scroll down and under Appearance section, click on Autohide followed by Off option and it’ll restore Opera Menu button in titlebar.


I hope Opera team will fix this bug in next version of Opera web browser.

Thanks to our reader “Generosus” for sharing the bug. I’m sure it’ll help other Opera users in resolving this irritating bug until Opera team fixes the bug permanently.

Also Check:

Enable or Disable AI Tools and Services in Opera Browser

[Tip] How to Disable Tab Previews and Tab Menu on Ctrl+Tab Switching in Opera

Published in: Opera

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. Happened on all my computers. It is annoying. Today’s update didn’t fix anything.

  2. did not work still have to move page to obtain menu button, however, if left the menu button does show !!

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