Next Feature Update “19H2” to be Small Service Pack Release for Windows 10

SUMMARY: Next feature update for Windows 10 is codenamed as 19H2. It’ll be released in November 2019. It’ll be small in size and will be delivered via Windows Update as a regular monthly update. It’ll not contain major features. It’ll contain fixes and improvements. It might be called Windows 10 November 2019 Update version 1909 or 1911 at release time.

Whenever Microsoft releases a new feature update for Windows 10, the company starts working on the next feature update and releases testing Insider Preview builds to Windows Insiders.



In past, Microsoft was giving codenames such as Threshold (TH), Redstone (RS) to feature updates when the updates were under development and testing phase. At release time, the feature updates were provided meaningful names such as Anniversary Update, Creators Update, Fall Creators Update, etc.

Recently Microsoft decided to set feature updates codenames and release names meaningful and they started giving codenames to feature updates which included year numbers such as 19H1 which means feature update is scheduled to release in first half of 2019. 19H1 was later called Windows 10 May 2019 Update when it was released to public.

Related: Too Much Confusion About So Many Windows 10 Versions

The new naming strategy seems a good idea and people will be able to remember feature updates names and codenames easily. Also people will be able to understand and find out when a particular feature update was released by looking at its name or codename as both include year number.

When Microsoft released Windows 10 May 2019 Update, Microsoft started testing 20H1 build of Windows 10 on Insiders channel. Everyone was surprised by this move as all were expecting 19H2 codename for the next feature update.

Microsoft didn’t announce anything about 19H2 and they just started testing 20H1 builds. People started questioning what happened to 19H2? Will there be no second feature update available for Windows 10 in 2019 because in past Microsoft was releasing 2 feature updates for Windows 10 every year. One in first half of the year (in March or April) and the other in second half (in September or October).

Since next feature update was assigned 20H1 codename, it indicated that the feature update will be released in first half of 2020. So what happened to the second feature update of year 2019? Why did Microsoft not start testing and releasing Insider Preview builds of 19H2?


Today’s announcement of Microsoft made everything clear. Microsoft announced that they will definitely release 2nd feature update for Windows 10 in year 2019 and it’s already given codename as 19H2 which means it’ll be released to public in second half of 2019, most probably in September or October 2019.

But this second feature update will be minor and may not include several new features as previous feature updates used to did. It’ll include performance improvements, enterprise features and quality enhancements.

So you can consider the upcoming 19H2 feature update as Service Pack for Windows 10. It’ll fix bugs and issues and will contain updates to improve performance, security and stability of Windows 10 devices.

One important thing about this feature update is that it’ll not be a full Windows 10 build of 4 GB+ like previous feature updates. It’ll be small in size and will be downloaded and installed like standard monthly cumulative updates via Windows Update.

So the next Windows 10 feature update i.e. 19H2 will be a Service Pack for Windows 10 which will be installed like a normal update or hotfix via Windows Update.

Microsoft has target to release 19H2 for Windows 10 in November 2019. The company has started releasing testing builds of 19H2 to Windows Insiders. Windows Insiders who are on Slow Ring and May 2019 Update, will start receiving 19H2 testing builds.

Windows 10 19H2 Builds Changelog

Let’s list important points about 19H2 at the end:

  • 19H2 will be a minor feature update for Windows 10 like a service pack.
  • 19H2 will not contain major features. It’ll contain fixes and improvements.
  • 19H2 will be released in November 2019.
  • 19H2 will be released via Windows Update like a monthly update.
  • 19H2 will not be a huge 4GB+ full ISO build. It’ll be small in size like normal updates.
  • 19H2 might be called Windows 10 November 2019 Update version 1911 at release time.

That’s definitely a good decision and wise move from Microsoft. Having 2 big feature updates every year was complicated and annoying. People had to download and install huge ISO files or builds. Now one major feature update and one minor service pack like feature update sounds good finally.

Also Check:

[Fix] Windows 10 Feature Update Not Showing on Your Computer

How to Prevent or Skip Feature Update Installation in Windows 10

[Guide] Things to Do After Installing Feature Update in Windows 10

Published in: Windows 10

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. Hello sir,
    In Windows 10 May Update 2019 (64 Bit), I placed built-in Calculator app shortcut in Desktop using right click and create shorcut, I noticed that Calculator icon colour is automatically changing in every 3 days in black, blue and gray.
    So my question is what is the actual reason of changing icon colour only in desktop?
    Another question is icon colour change only appearing in Calculator or other system apps?

  2. ^^ Are you talking about UWP app? I never use Calculator app so can’t help much. But I have never heard about this issue. May be the different color relate to different modes in Calculator app like scientific, etc? Are you changing wallpapers and accent colors regularly?

  3. Actually icon colour auto change is not any type of issue, and yes some wallpapers are applied as slideshow, I mean wallpapers slideshow is running and automatically changing in every 1 minute.

  4. ^^ Thats what I suspected. The icon is changing its color by taking the accent color from current wallpaper.

  5. Will you be doing a Change Log for 19H2 ? Microsoft has already released 3 Updates for 19H2 so far

  6. I am at present running the 1903 update of Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit. What exactly would be the download size of the impending 1909 update for PCs currently running with 1903? And also, what exactly would be the download size of the full installer of Windows 10 1909 update for 64 bit? How can one download the standalone installer of 1909 update as well as the the file needed to update 1909 from PCs running 1903?

  7. ^^ There is no standalone offline installer for 1909 feature update. You’ll need to download the full offline ISO file to install it fresh which will come in size 4 GB+.

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