How to Stop Notifications from Disappearing in Windows 11 Too Quickly

If the notifications in your Windows 11 device disappear too quickly from the screen and you can’t read or respond them, this article will help you in forcing Windows 11 to display the notifications for longer time so that you never miss any important notification.

Windows 11 comes with built-in app notifications support and all apps (native and 3rd party) can utilize the notifications system to display notification messages or alerts to the user.

Whenever an app sends a notification to the user, Windows 11 first displays the notification using a toast or flyout with a slide-in animation at the bottom-right corner of the screen near the Taskbar notification area (or system tray). The notification stays for 5 seconds on the screen and then disappears or vanishes automatically with a slide-out animation.



PS: Once the notification is removed from the screen, you can still access and view the notification using the Action Center by clicking on the clock or notification icon present at the bottom-right corner of the Taskbar.

Many times Windows 11 users complain about the 5 seconds timeout limit applied on the notifications. The notifications disappear so quickly that they can’t read them and miss important notifications.

Fortunately, Windows 11 allows users to increase the time period to show the notifications on their computer screen. If you also face notifications disappearing issue and miss notifications frequently, you can increase the notification display time so that you’ll have enough time to read the notification and respond them.

METHOD 1: Increase Notifications Display Time Using Windows 11 Settings

This is the easiest way to adjust notifications timeout in Windows 11.

STEP 1. Open Settings app from Start Menu or by pressing WIN+I keys together.

STEP 2. Now click on “Accessibility” section or tab present in left-side pane.


STEP 3. In right-side pane, click on “Visual Effects” option.

STEP 4. Now look for following option:

Dismiss notifications after this amount of time

This option is set to 5 seconds by default which makes the notifications disappear too quickly.

STEP 5. To increase notifications display time, click on the drop-down box given next to the option and select any desired time value. The maximum time limit available to select is 5 minutes.


Now the notifications will remain on your computer screen for the selected time period and you’ll never miss any important notification in your Windows 11 device.

NOTE: In Windows 10, the same setting can be found on Settings -> Home -> Ease of Access -> Display page. Just change the option “Show notifications for” as per requirements.

METHOD 2: Customize Notifications Display Duration Using Registry Editor

Advanced users can also use Registry tweak to change the notifications display timeout in Windows 11. The Registry tweak controls and changes the above mentioned setting automatically.

STEP 1: Press WIN+R keys together to launch RUN dialog box. Now type regedit and press Enter. It’ll open Registry Editor.

STEP 2: Now go to following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility

STEP 3: In right-side pane, look for MessageDuration DWORD. Its value is set to 5 by default which means the notifications will disappear after 5 seconds automatically.

STEP 4: You can change its value to desired seconds. Double-click on the DWORD, change the Base option to “Decimal” and enter desired time value as mentioned following:

  • For 5 seconds, set the value to 5
  • For 7 seconds, set the value to 7
  • For 15 seconds, set the value to 15
  • For 30 seconds, set the value to 30
  • For 1 minute, set the value to 60
  • For 5 minutes, set the value to 300

That’s it. Now notifications will remain for the applied duration on your computer screen.


PS: In future, if you decide to restore the default setting, set the above mentioned DWORD value to 5.

Also Check:

[Tip] Disable Notifications and Action Center in Windows 10

[Tip] Enable or Disable System Notifications in Microsoft Edge

[Tip] Enable or Disable Windows Native Notifications in Firefox

[Tip] Enable/Disable Google Chrome Notifications to Show in Windows 10 Action Center

Published in: Windows 11

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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