How to Check What Post or Content Facebook Removed and Why?

If you received a warning notification “We removed some of your content. See why.” in your Facebook (FB) account and you want to know which post or content was deleted and why, this article will help you in finding the removed post and the reason behind its removal.

Facebook (Meta) is a popular social networking site and many people use Facebook on their computers and smartphones to connect with their friends, relatives, etc.

I also have an account on Facebook for personal use as well as a dedicated page for AskVG website which is followed by many readers to get instant news and updates.


We Removed Some of Your Content. See Why Notification in Facebook

Today when I opened AskVG page on Facebook and checked new notifications, I noticed a strange notification at the top of the list. The notification contained “We removed some of your content. See why.” message and a high priority red colored exclamation mark (!) icon.

Following screenshot shows the notification alert showing on the notification flyout on my Facebook account page:


When I clicked on the notification to see which post or content was removed by Facebook and why, Facebook opened “Page Status” information which was showing that the page has no issues and there are no violations to show.

Following screenshot shows no issues or violations present in the Facebook account:


I was surprised and had no idea why was Facebook showing the content removal notification if there were no policy violations present in my account. I thought that it might be a bug in Facebook which was incorrectly showing the notification.


How to See Which Post or Content was Removed by Facebook?

Since I was logged in using the AskVG page profile, I switched to the main personal account by clicking on the account profile icon or avatar and selecting the personal profile as shown in following screenshot:


PS: Facebook allows creating multiple profiles as mentioned in this article.

After switching to main account profile, I again checked the notifications and under “Unread” tab, I saw the same “We removed some of your content. See why.” notification. There was also another notification available containing “A shared post from your profile will be removed soon because it doesn’t follow our Community Standards”.


This time when I clicked on the notification, Facebook displayed a dialog box containing “We removed your post” title and the actual post that was removed as shown in following screenshot:


Finally I was able to view which post or content was removed by Facebook. I clicked on the “See why” button and it displayed the reason behind content removal. Facebook removed the post because of following reason:

Why this happened

It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.

Your post goes against our Community Standards on spam.


It was certainly a mistake or wrong decision to remove the post as the post was about new version updates of Google Chrome, Vivaldi and CCleaner to let the readers know about the news. I think that the post contained 3 links pointing to the main software articles which might have caused the FB team considering the post as promotion or spam.

What to Do When You Receive Content Removed Notification in Facebook?

When the notification is clicked and the dialog box appears containing the deleted post details, you’ll see a “Request review” button available on the notification box which can be used within 180 days to ask Facebook team to review the decision and restore the removed post.

So if you also get a post or content removed notification in your Facebook account, you can use the above mentioned steps to find the deleted post and ask FB team to recheck the post.

Upon clicking the button, Facebook asks a few questions such as why do you think that your post was removed by mistake and why should the team restore the post. Answer those questions and wait for some time (4-5 days) until they review and respond your request.

Also Check:

[Fix] This Page isn’t Available Right Now Error in Facebook

Facebook Text Delights: Reveal Hidden Secret Easter Eggs by Typing Special Words

Published in: Mobiles and Internet, Troubleshooting Guides

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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