What is the Use of “Drag Space” Option in Firefox Customize Window?

If you have installed the recently released Mozilla Firefox new version which comes with the new Photon UI, you might have noticed the new “Drag Space” option present in the Customize window.

To get the option, right-click on Firefox toolbar and select “Customize” option. Alternatively, you can select “Customize” option from main Firefox menu. Now you’ll notice the “Drag Space” option present at the bottom-left of the customize window as shown in following screenshot:



By default the checkbox given for “Drag Space” option is unchecked i.e. disabled. If you enable “Drag Space” option, it seems nothing happens. That’s right. If your Firefox window is maximized, you won’t notice any difference after enabling/disabling this checkbox.

But if you restore Firefox window by clicking on the middle “Restore” button present at the right-side of the titlebar and then enable/disable “Drag Space” option, you’ll notice the difference.

Actually the “Drag Space” option has been added to help Firefox users in dragging Firefox window to anywhere on their computer screen. Imagine a situation when multiple tabs are opened in Firefox and the whole titlebar is filled with the tabs. In such situation, there will be no space left on the titlebar to drag-n-drop the program window to somewhere else.

The “Drag Space” option will come handy in such situations as enabling this option, adds some extra padding to the titlebar i.e. extra blank space above tabs. So you can drag the Firefox window anywhere by clicking and holding on that extra space.


So now you know the use of “Drag Space” option which is given in customize Firefox window.


Published in: Mozilla Firefox

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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  1. Now we need one that applies to maximized state. In previous versions I could restore the maximized window grabbing the top of the window, now I can’t anymore because tabs touch the top of the screen.

  2. @Bacco:
    There will always be a small portion of Header to grab between the Tab overflow arrow and the minimize button:


  3. Thanks for the tip although I find this setting quite useless. As Kay mentioned, there is always a place in the windows frame to catch it with the mouse then drag it anywhere. I finally left it deactivated as by default

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