[Tip] Disable or Remove “Reveal Password” Option in Firefox

In newer versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser, when you right-click inside a password field or box present on a website, you get a new option “Reveal password” in the context menu which can be used to show the real password on screen. If you find the new reveal password option a risk to privacy and security and want to disable and remove the option, this article will help you.

By default, all web browsers show asterisks (*) for all characters typed in a password box to improve user’s privacy and security. If you upgraded to Firefox 112 or later versions, you might have noticed that you can now reveal a password by selecting “Reveal Password” option from the context menu. You just need to right-click inside the password box present in any online form or website and click on “Reveal Password” option. The whole password will be immediately displayed on the screen.

Following screenshot shows the new “Reveal Password” option introduced in the password field context menu and the real password showing in place of asterisks inside the password box:



Some Firefox users may not like the new feature as it might be a security risk. Fortunately, Mozilla team has provided a hidden secret preference/flag to disable or remove the new reveal password option in Firefox.

By modifying this preference/flag, you can get rid of the new reveal password context menu option from password box in Firefox.

Disable or Remove Reveal Password Option from Password Field Context Menu

If you also want to disable and remove reveal password option in Firefox, following steps will help you:

1. Open Firefox and type about:config in the addressbar and press Enter. It’ll show you a warning message, click on “Accept the Risk and Continue” button. It’ll open Firefox’s hidden secret advanced configuration page i.e. about:config page.

2. Now type reveal in Search filter box and look for following preference in the window:



By default, the preference value is set to true, which means the option to reveal password is activated and enabled in your Firefox version.

3. To deactivate and disable the reveal password option, double-click on layout.forms.reveal-password-context-menu.enabled preference and set it to false. Alternatively, you can click on the Toggle icon given next to the preference name.


That’s it. Now open any online form or a website containing password field and right-click inside the password field, you’ll no longer see “Reveal Password” option.

PS: To restore the reveal password option again in Firefox, set the above mentioned preference to true.

Bonus Tip: Add Reveal Password Button or Icon in Password Field in Firefox

Mozilla team is also working to add an extra button or icon to reveal the password. This little icon will be displayed inside the password fields to assist users in revealing the password easily and quickly. Mozilla team has already implemented a hidden secret preference/flag which can be used to add this new “Reveal Password” button or Eye icon in password fields. By default, this preference is set to False which means the reveal password button is not shown. Interested users can set the preference to True to show the reveal password button in Firefox.

Following screenshot shows the secret “Reveal Password” button added and showing in password field:


The reveal password button will be added to password fields in future versions of Firefox, if you want to test the feature right now, following steps will help you in adding the secret reveal password button or icon in password fields in Firefox:

1. Again open about:config page and type reveal in Search filter box and look for following preference in the window:


The preference value is set to false, which means the secret button to reveal password is disabled in your Firefox version.

2. To add and enable the reveal password button, double-click on layout.forms.reveal-password-button.enabled preference and set it to true. Alternatively, you can click on the Toggle icon given next to the preference name.

That’s it. Now open any online form or a website containing password field and you’ll get the new “Reveal Password” button.

PS: To remove the reveal password button in Firefox, set the above mentioned preference to false.

Also Check:

[Tip] Disable or Hide “Reveal Password” Button in Microsoft Edge Web Browser

[Tip] Disable “Show Password” Button in Windows 8, Windows 10 and Internet Explorer

Published in: Mozilla Firefox

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. I need to disable the ‘eye’ button into about:logins
    super insecure. if I go and grab a quick coffee, I have to lock my screen, else there is the chance someone may get onto my password.

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