[Did You Know] Ultimate List of Windows Vista Facts, Bugs and Goof-ups

We have posted about various annoying bugs and goof-ups found in Windows Vista in past and today we are going to put all these interesting finds together in this single topic.

The interesting part is that almost none of these bugs and goof-ups were fixed in SP1 or SP2 for Windows Vista. Although many of them have been fixed in Windows 7, finally.

So without wasting time, let’s start our tour of Windows Vista bugs, goof-ups and interesting facts which will definitely interest all Windows Vista users.


Vista Explorer Statusbar Bug:

This bug is related to the Statusbar in Windows Explorer. Just follow these simple steps to recreate this bug:

1. Open My Computer and enable “Statusbar” by pressing <ALT> key and then select “View -> Statusbar” from Menubar.

2. Now open a folder which should contain at least one file.

3. Select a file and see its size in statusbar.

4. Now refresh the folder by pressing <F5> key and select the same file again and see its size in the Statusbar. You’ll be surprised after seeing its size. Statusbar will show incorrect size, actually the size will be doubled. Again Refresh and check the size in statusbar. It’ll be again doubled. and so on.


So if you select a file and see its size in statusbar, suppose it is 1 MB, then after refreshing the folder and again selecting the file will show its size as 2 MB in statusbar and so on….. If you select a different file after refreshing the folder, then it’ll add the new file size in previous file size and will show the sum in status bar. Weird bug, isn’t it?


NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Vista Explorer Statusbar Bug 2:

This bug is also related to Vista Explorer Statusbar. Guess what? Vista Explorer statusbar is too buggy.

1. Open “My Computer” and enable “Statusbar” by pressing <ALT> tab and select “View -> Statusbar” from Menubar.

2. Close “My Computer” window and again open “My Computer” but remember don’t maximize or restore the window. Leave it as it is.

3. Double-click on any drive which contains at least one file in its root, e.g. If your D:\ drive contains any .txt or .jpg or .bmp or any other format file, then double-click on D: drive.

4. Select any file and look at Statusbar. There will be only a line showing “1 item selected” and nothing else. In fact it should show the file size as well.

5. Now do any of following:

  • If your window is maximized, then restore it by clicking on Restore button (middle button) in Titlebar.
  • If your window is in normal state (restore), then maximize it.
  • Or open any other folder in the current drive and then press “Backspace” key or click on “Back” button to come back to root of the drive where you were recently.

6. Now again select the same file and look at statusbar. Now you can see its size in Statusbar which was not visible in “4th step”.


So here is the conclusion:

Statusbar doesn’t show a file size if the file is in root of a drive. But if we change the window state or open a folder in the drive and again come back to root of the drive, then Statusbar shows the size. Which is kinda strange and definitely a BUG.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Classic Start Menu and Log Off Bug:

This bug is found when we use “Classic Start menu“.

1. Right-click on Taskbar and select “Properties“.

2. Go to “Start Menu” tab and select “Classic Start menu“.

3. Click on “Customize” button and make sure “Display Log off” option is enabled. Now apply it.

Now click on Start button and select “Log off“. Oops, It didn’t ask for confirmation.


In earlier versions of windows, it used to confirm the action. It was quite useful. Lots of time people can accidentally click on “Log off” but since it asks for confirmation, we can simply click on “No” button.

But in Vista, it doesn’t confirm and logs out you from Windows. If you clicked on it by mistake, you’ll lose all your opened documents (if not saved) and all your opened websites in your web browser.

Its really a stupid bug and I can’t understand why the developers disabled the confirmation dialog box in Vista?

NOTE: This bug is not present in Windows 7 as Microsoft removed classic start menu completely.

File Renaming Bug:

This bug appears when you try to change a file name as well as its extension.

1. Disable “Hide extensions for known file types” option in “Folder Options“.

2. Now open My Computer and navigate to a folder which contains at least one file.

3. Rename the file by clicking on the file and press “F2” or right-click on the file and select “Rename“.

4. Windows will only select the name of file and the extension will not be selected. Select the whole text i.e. name as well as extension.

5. Now give it any name and make sure you change its extension. To make it more clear, in this example the file is “Readme.txt” and we’ll rename it to “VG.MP3”. So we are changing its extension from .txt to .MP3

6. Now once you type the new name, don’t press Enter. Click on empty area in Explorer to apply the new name, Windows will show confirmation dialog box.

7. Click on “Yes” button and see the bug:


As you can see in above screenshot, a strange selection rectangle will be created automatically from the point where you clicked in explorer to the “Yes” button location.

8. If you move the cursor, the rectangle will change its size.

9. To remove the rectangle, just refresh the window.

NOTE: The bug doesn’t appear if you press Enter to apply the new name. You have to click in empty area to re-create the bug.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

MMC Customize Dialog Box Bug:

This bug is present in all MMC applications like services.msc, gpedit.msc, devmgmt.msc, etc.

1. Type “mmc.exe” or “services.msc” or “devmgmt.msc” or any other .msc file name in RUN or Start Menu Searchbox and press <Enter>.

2. Go to “View -> Customize…” and it’ll open a dialog box.

3. Now try to click on “Close(X) button and nothing will happen. Even pressing <Esc> key will not close the dialog box. If you right-click on the dialog box titlebar, you’ll get only “Move” option. So you’ll only have to click on “OK” button.


Now what’s the use of “Close” button? That’s really weird that Close button can’t close the dialog box.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Service Manager Bug:

Another interesting BUG in Windows Vista, which can be recreated only if you are using “Aero” theme:

1. Type “services.msc” in RUN or Start Menu Searchbox and press <Enter>.

2. It’ll open “Service Manager” window. Now double-click on any service listed in right-side pane.

3. It’ll open the service Properties box.

So what’s the bug?

4. Just hover your mouse cursor over the “Close(X) button in Properties box and you’ll see the BUG.

The close button will start blinking like a tube-light.


Must be a bug in DWM (Desktop Window Manager).

Favorite Links and Folder List Bug:

1. Open My Computer and make sure that “Favorite Links” are showing in left side pane (Navigation pane). If its not enabled then you can enable it from “Organize -> Layout -> Navigation pane“.

2. Close My Computer.

3. Now open “Windows Explorer” from Start menu.

4. It’ll show “Folders List” instead of “Favorite Links” in Navigation pane. That’s cool since its Windows Explorer it should display Folders list.

5. Now close Windows Explorer and again open My Computer.

6. Guess what? The Navigation pane will show “Folders List” in left pane instead of previously selected “Favorite Links“.

So the conclusion is this:

If you select “Favorite Links” to be shown in My Computer and open Windows Explorer, it’ll overwrite your settings for “Navigation pane” and will force My Computer to show “Folders List“.

So Windows Explorer overwrites My Computer’s “Navigation pane” settings. How can I save my settings for “Navigation pane” in My Computer?

It seems that in Vista “My Computer” and “Windows Explorer” are no longer different as they were in previous versions of Windows. In XP, My Computer doesn’t show “Folders List” in left pane but Windows Explorer shows and in Vista both My Computer and Windows Explorer show “Navigation pane”. That’s why the above BUG exists!!!

NOTE: We noticed one more thing! If you set to show both “Favorite Links” and “Folders List” in “Navigation Pane“, then no problem occurs. Both My Computer and Windows Explorer show both things. But if you set only “Favorite Links” to show in My Computer and open Windows Explorer, it’ll automatically overwrite your settings for Navigation Pane in My Computer and My Computer will start showing both things.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

2 Desktop.ini Files on Desktop Bug:

1. Go to “Organize -> Folder & Search Options“.

2. In “View” tab, enable “Show hidden files and folders” option and disable “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)” option.

3. Now check the Desktop and you’ll see 2 “desktop.ini” files on desktop.


Now you’ll say what’s the bug here? The bug is, these 2 files should not be visible on Desktop at all. In earlier versions of windows (like XP) no such files were shown on desktop even the file exists in desktop folder. These files are used to customize folder settings.

I came to know that one file is for current user settings and the other file is for all users profile settings.

Many power users enable “show hidden files/folders” option and disable the option “hide protected system files” in their system but also they want a clean desktop. But its not the case in Vista.

To make it more clear, “Desktop.ini” file also exists in other system folders like “Temporary Internet Files“, “History“, etc but these folders don’t show these files even after enabling/disabling the options mentioned in Step2, then why Desktop shows these 2 files? Strange, very strange.

Taskbar Bug:

1. Double-click on the bottom area of Taskbar where system tray icons are displayed, like Windows Defender, Removable Media, Yahoo! Messenger, etc icons. You can unlock the Taskbar and increase its size to see the area more clearly.


2. You’ll be surprised when “Windows Defender” or any other window will open even you didn’t click on that program’s icon.

Control Panel Task Band Goof-up:

1. Open Control panel and double-click on “Programs and Features” icon.

2. Look carefully at Task Band containing “Organize” and “Views” buttons.

3. You’ll notice that Task Band color is same as the Menubar color. Actually it should look same as it looks in My Computer but its a goof up that it takes Menubar image to show its color instead of task band image defined in the Aero theme.


So its a goof-up that “Programs and Features” task band doesn’t use the actual task band image and in stead it use Menubar image from the Windows theme.

NOTE: This goof-up has been fixed in Windows 7.

Titlebar Buttons Bug:

1. Maximize any window e.g. My Computer window.

2. Right-click on Minimize or Restore buttons and you’ll get the context menu which appears when we right-click on titlebar.


3. It doesn’t appear when we right-click on Close button.

Its definitely a bug. Why should the context menu appear on buttons?

Welcome Center Bug:

1. Open Welcome Center.

2. The default “View” of window would be set to “Tiles” and icons would be grouped by “Category“. Now try to change the view settings. Right-click in empty area and change the view to “Medium Icons”, “List”, “Details” or any other you want. Also change the “Group By” setting to “Name”, “Description” or “(None)”. You can also collapse the complete group using arrow.

3. When you have done, close Welcome Center and re-open it and you’ll be surprised that all your customized settings will vanish and it’ll use the default settings.

Its definitely a bug. It should remember users settings otherwise what’s the benefit of these options?

Desktop Icon Settings Window Bug:

Here is another bug in Windows Vista which occurs in “Desktop Icon Settings” window while changing “Computer” icon. Following are the steps to re-create the bug:

1. Right-click on Desktop and select “Personalize“. It’ll open Personalization window. Now click on “Change desktop icons” link in left-side pane. It’ll open “Desktop Icon Settings” window. You can also open it directly by using “control desk.cpl,,0” or “control desk.cpl,,@web” commands (without quotes).


2. Now select “Computer” icon and click on “Change Icon” button. It’ll open another window showing various different icons. Select any icon from the list and click on OK button.

3. It’ll show new “Computer” icon in the list, now click on “Apply” button and your changes will be saved and you can see the new Computer icon on Desktop.

4. That’s fine. Now click on “Restore Default” button and it’ll show the default “Computer” icon in the list but to my wonder “Apply” button will not get activated. It’ll be still disabled. Then how can we apply the changes?

5. You can either click on “OK” button hoping that it’ll save your changes OR enable/disable any checkbox given at top to activate the “Apply” button. But Windows will not save your changes and the “Computer” icon will not change. You’ll need to open the “Desktop Icon Settings” window again, click on “Restore Default” button again and now Windows will save the changes. Really weird.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Bug in Creating New Shortcut:

1. Right-click on the Desktop or in the Explorer and select “New -> Shortcut“.

2. It’ll open “Create Shortcut Wizard“.

3. Now either click on “Cancel” button or press “Esc” key to exit from the wizard and get ready to see the bug.

Again right-click on Desktop and you’ll see a new entry “Undo Apply Properties“. Properties? What Properties? Which properties? Did I apply any property which I should undo now? Weird.


OK. Not a big issue but try to click on this new entry and you’ll be surprised to see an error message:


WTH??? Windows can’t find the new shortcut which I never created. Keep clicking on “Try Again” button and it’ll keep showing the same error message again and again. Now click on “Cancel” button and the “Undo Apply Properties” option will change to “Undo“.

Click on “Undo” and it’ll change to “Redo“.

Keep clicking on both these options and enjoy the endless loop unless you restart Explorer or log off/restart your system.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Folder and Search Options Bug:

I always disable “Folder Options” in Windows, so that no one can change the settings. You can disable it either using “gpedit.msc” or using Registry Editor. Type regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter. Now go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer

Now in right-side pane, create a new DWORD value NoFolderOptions and set its value to 1. It’ll disable “Folder options”.

But in Vista “Folder Options” and “Search Options” have been combined in a single option “Folder & Search Options“. So if we disable “Folder Options” using registry editor or gpedit.msc in Vista. It doesn’t disable “Folder options” completely. I found that one can still access it using following method:

1. Open “Search” and click on “Advanced Search” button.

2. Now search for anything by typing something in Name, Tags or authors text boxes.

3. After doing this, you’ll get another toolbar under these options. Click on “Search Tools -> Search Options” and voilla, you’ll have full access to “Folder options“. Every tab will be visible.

Now what’s the use of disabling “Folder Options”? IMO, Search Options should only show “Search” tab and not all the tabs.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 7.

Favorite Links Area in Browse Dialog Box Bug:

1. Open RUN from Start Menu. You can also open it directly by pressing WIN+R keys.

2. Now click on “Browse” button in RUN dialog box.

3. Right-click on any folder present in “Favorite Links” area in left side pane and select “Rename” and get ready to see the BUG.

As soon as you click on “Rename” option, the look of dialog box becomes completely strange. The REFRESH, SEARCH and the Little DOWN arrow button in the toolbar become distorted. All look like 256 color images. The text color in the addressbar becomes so light that its too hard to read it. Also the text in “Favorite Links” area becomes too ugly.

PS: You can try it with any other application. You have to just use “Open, Save or Browse” dialog box to re-create this BUG. You can use Notepad and click on Save, Save as, New or Open options.

NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Windows 7.

Classic Theme Bug 1:

1. Change the Windows theme to “Windows Classic“.

2. Open “System Properties” (sysdm.cpl) and go to “Advanced” tab and click on “Settings” button in “Performance” section.

3. Uncheck the option “Show previews and filters in folders” and apply.

4. Now open My Computer and you’ll notice that Menubar is automatically shown in My Computer. I can’t understand why Menubar is related to Preview & filters option? OK, no problem. BUT…

Now click on “Organize -> Layout” and the worst thing will happen. Menubar is unchecked even its showing in My Computer. And the most strange thing is that nothing will happen if you’ll enable / disable this option. Try to enable “Menubar” or disable “Menubar”, nothing will change and Menubar will always be there.

So IMO, if this option can’t do anything then it should be disabled. What’s the use of enabling an option if it can’t do anything?

Classic Theme Bug 2:

1. Change the theme of your Windows Vista to “Windows Classic“.

2. Open My Computer and look carefully at the “Back” and “Forward” buttons in Toolbar!

3. Now hover your mouse to “Little Down Arrow” just after the “Forward” button.

What you see?


A. First thing is that the Back & Forward button are a little bit far from background image. They should be placed at 1 or 2 pixels less from left.

B. When we hover the mouse at “Little Down Arrow”, the background image is misplaced from its actual position and a little curve is displayed just before the addressbar.

These are very small issues and not very noticeable. Try it yourself and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

Classic Theme Bug 3:

Open Windows Explorer in Windows Classic theme and guess what? The “Up” button will not be visible (it should be there just after the “Forward” button). But if you’ll move your mouse at that place, you’ll see the tool tip “Recent Pages”.


So the button is there but is not visible. A BIG goof-up. And if you look carefully, the buttons “Back” and “Forward” are correctly placed in this condition but as soon as you’ll open any drive or anything, they will be misplaced.

Classic Theme Bug 4:

1. Make sure you are using “Windows Classic” theme in Vista.

2. Open Windows Media Player.

3. Open any video file.

4. Look carefully at the bottom bar of WMP, you’ll see the time duration of the video file but it’ll be hardly visible.

5. Now maximize WMP and guess what? You can’t see the time duration. WHY???


Its really too annoying. If I’m watching a movie and want to know about time duration, then I can’t. I’ll have to exit from Full screen mode and then I’ll be able to know about time duration.

If you are using Basic or Aero theme, the time duration will be visible in Full Screen mode.

Notepad Statusbar Bug:

This bug is present in almost all Windows versions including Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, 8 and Windows 8.1.


Check out following article to read more about this bug:

Notepad Statusbar Bug Found in All Windows Versions

Windows Vista Goof-ups:

1. Windows DreamScene doesn’t work, if “Show Translucent selection rectangle” option is disabled from System Properties (Performance Settings).

2. When you change some settings in Performance tab of System Properties, the Aero theme is automatically changed to Vista Basic theme.

3. Open “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” and go to “Notification Area” tab. Now look carefully at the image. You’ll find that the sidebar icon is still from Vista BETA releases and they forgot to update the image in RTM.


4. A new interesting feature in Vista is “Taskbar Thumbnails“, which shows the opened windows previews when we hover the cursor on their taskbar buttons. It works perfectly but I found that if we minimize / maximize a window by clicking on its taskbar button and keep the cursor on the button, it doesn’t show the thumbnail preview, it just shows the classic tool-tip.

5. If a window is minimized, then its taskbar thumbnail doesn’t show the live preview instead it shows a static preview. Same thing happens in case of <WIN>+Tab or <ALT>+Tab. It also shows a static preview of the window. If the window is maximized, then you can see a live preview.

6. Its related to the HIDDEN files. If a file/folder is HIDDEN under another folder/drive and we press <CTRL>+A or Select All, then Vista doesn’t show any message like “This folder contains hidden files. To select all files enable “Show hidden files” option from Tools -> Folder Options” and even if we enable “Status bar” in explorer. It doesn’t show “x hidden files” in status bar.

In XP, status bar used to show no. of all files including hidden files and also explorer gives message when we try to select all files.

7. Right-click on My Computer icon on Desktop and select “Properties“. Now move the cursor at the location between “Change product key” and “Ask for genuine” logo.


What you see? The mouse cursor will change to “Hand” pointer like there is a link. But in fact there is no link. Really weird…

8. Open an explorer window, select a file, and minimize and restore the window again. The keyboard focus will be lost and will be set to nothing. You will not be able to use any key combination like “Ctrl+C”, “Ctrl+V”, etc, left/right keyboard keys to navigate in the item list. You’ll have to click on the item list again to make it active. It’s a really annoying and weird bug.

Windows Vista Interesting Facts:

1. If you press <SHIFT> key and right-click on a folder, you’ll get “Open Command Window here” and “Copy as Path” options.

2. You can enable “Checkboxes” to select items using “Folder Options“. It helps in selecting multiple items.

3. DreamScene stops running, when we maximize the active window.

4. If you press and hold <CTRL> key and then scroll with your mouse backward/forward on desktop, the desktop icons size will increase/decrease.

5. If you press and hold <CTRL> key while pressing <ALT> + TAB or <WIN> + TAB, it’ll not disappear after leaving the keys. It’ll remain there on screen so that you can easily navigate through the windows.

6. You can disable the startup sound (when Animated Windows ORB is shown before login screen) from “Sound” applet in Control Panel.

7. There is a HIDDEN boot screen in Vista. Just enable “No GUI Boot” option in “Boot” of “msconfig“.

8. You can maximize browse dialog box in Vista. Visit this link for more information.

That’s all for now guys! Please try to re-create the bugs and let us know your feedback in your comment. Also did you find the facts useful? If you know any other annoying bug, goof-up or interesting fact about Windows Vista, feel free to share with us in your comment…

Published in: Windows Vista

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. The funny thing that happened to my is that when i shut down the computer it didnt shut down about 6 hours.

  2. Another trick, tried on a genuine Vista SP2 (fully updated):
    0) Get a password. You need a password for you User Account for this to work.
    1) Turn on your PC, type the password, and press Enter (doesn’t work when you click the Go button)
    2) As soon as you see “Welcome”, press Enter again.
    Result) You will notice that the “Welcome” text is gone, and you see (and are able to move your cursor) before you leave the login screen.
    Buggy Bells, Buggy Bells, bugging all the way, Vista is coming to town, full of bugs, hey!

  3. When I use the folder pane with tree view to navigate, clicking on a folder causes the folder to open at the bottom of the list so the child folders are hidden.
    Re positioning the list is a waste of time and unnecessary.
    If I do this without paying attention it is possible to copy, cut or paste to and from the wrong folder.
    There are hundreds of complaints about this.
    I have turned every bt of GUI fluff MS introduced since Vista, installed ClassicShell and will not buy Windows again.

  4. There are more that you have not listed. It is unfortunate that they even exist, strong indicators that the product was rushed?

    – Minimizing a window while showing information in the Details Pane of Windows Explorer occasionally causes the pane to lose all of the information displayed. The window will need to be refreshed, or one will have to select another file in order to display the information again.
    – Changing the Start menu to classic view or vice-versa while the Welcome Center is open causes the text color to change.
    – If the Sidebar is set to Always on Top while the Windows Vista Basic theme is applied, it will still appear translucent.
    – Flip 3D will occasionally cause the taskbar to disappear while the Sidebar is on top. I’ve noticed that this happens most prominently while a window is maximized, particularly Internet Explorer.
    – I am not sure if this is a bug, but thumbnail previews in the taskbar do not render Aero.

    Written in a hurry… Try to see them for yourself.

  5. Just a little bit curious Mr. VG, why Microsoft let Vista to be launched even though it’s FULL OF BUGS and goofs? And the next thing, as far as I remember, they allocate a lot of time for beta testers for fixing and corrections, and MS just ignored it. Btw, I didn’t (and won’t) take a snap to test Vista anyways.

  6. ^^ Since Windows Vista was a major revamp of Windows XP OS, it required lots of testing and fixes. Microsoft already fixed lots of bugs and issues in Vista but they had to release the OS within time, thus some minor bugs remained unfixed in the final product.

  7. When I have been reading about Windows Vista’s “Bug in creating a new shortcut” on this web-page, the same bug appears in Windows 8, but may be slightly different, though…

  8. i have a problem, when i transfer a file say a video to a flash drive. the transfer takes anywhere from 20 25 min. it is not a big file and seems to happen every time i use a flash drive. i have tried using a portable hd on same usb wire and hub and hit transfers of 60 -85 Mb sec. why should i get 3.3 Mb with a flash drive ( starts out at 12 Mb the drops after about 10 sec.? things i have done to troubleshoot. tried a different flash drive
    numbers vary slightly but for the most part the same. went into device manager and made sure not only of usb hub speed(windows reports hi) but making sure device was set at better performance. to me there is no reason it should take 25 min to move 4.5 gig. PLEASE HELP. i am at my witts end.

  9. i have reset my bios to default, made sure my drivers were updated. i running windows 8.1 on a asrock pro 3 gen 3 z68, i5-2300 12 gig ram, 120 ssd, using a usb 2.0 cable with a hub attached. I get the same thing weather the drives are plugged in to motherboard or hub.

    tip i learned –if your drives are slow to respond or your system hangs, check bios to see if sata aggressive power management is enabled if so, disable it and hd will respond immediately. no more spin up. but less drive life.

  10. In my vista certain folders are in two languages english and french For instance downloads and telechargment or pictures and images my computer is french but when i download something sometimes it will go into downloads instead of telechargement and the 2 folders are nearly identical but not quite If i open the start menu and type downloads or pictures vista wont find them and if i cant remember the name of the video or photo ive just downloaded i cant find it !!!

  11. ^^ You can open your browser or download manager settings and change the download folder location to telechargement folder.

  12. Hello.
    I have noticed that some of these bugs have been fixed in SP2 for Vista, not necessarily Windows 7.
    The Desktop Icon Settings Window Bug for example, I tried this myself on a fully updated Vista with SP2, and the Apply button worked properly. I think you should point out that Vista SP2 fixed the bug, not Windows 7. Also, the Control Panel Task Band Goof-up still exists in Windows 7 from my testing… so it hasn’t been fixed.. (tested on Windows 7 SP1 x64).
    The taskbar bug also seems to be fixed in Vista SP2. I followed exactly what you said and nothing happened. Again, I believe you should point out that the bug has been fixed in Vista SP2 or maybe even SP1 (havent tested it there so I can’t confirm).
    Also, if anyone’s interested, to fix the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties sidebar icon inconsistency, installing a program called Vize should fix the problem. It sure did it for me.
    Anyway, some people should realize that despite Vista having these bugs, the majority of them have either been fixed in Vista SP1/SP2, or are too small to really matter. I still think Vista is a great system after SP1. 7 also has a good chunk of these bugs too, you know…

  13. Notice: I found a bug in ViStart:

    1. Go into start menu
    2. And type something, and the start orb will go into other way.
    3. If you try to hold Windows logo, the start orb will come back.

    This bug was fixed in future versions.

  14. There’s such bug also: if you click on the “Show desktop” button properties, look at its location, then click “Shortcut” and “Open File Location”, it will open desktop instead of an actual location it is in.

  15. I found a new bug (working on: Vista. 7, 8, 8.1, 10)!

    Allow to show hidden files, and go to: C: drive, open $Recycle.Bin and open Recycle Bin.
    Then press right click and go Properties.
    And look! Two General page!

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