[Tip] Enable or Disable “Back Forward Cache” (BFCache) in Chrome and Microsoft Edge for Faster Navigation

UPDATE: Chrome 116 and later versions come with some improvements to Back/Forward Cache (BFCache) feature. If you don’t like the new cache feature, this article will help you in disabling Back/Forward Cache feature in Chrome.

NOTE: This tutorial to enable Back Forward Cache feature works in both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers.

Original article posted on December 28, 2019:


Newer versions of Google Chrome web browser come with a new feature called “Back Forward Cache” (or bfcache in short) which can improve the navigation through web pages using back and forward buttons. This feature is disabled by default and interested users need to manually activate and enable this feature using a hidden preference or flag to speed up their web browsing.

“Back Forward Cache” feature caches or captures pages in memory and preserves javascript and DOM state when the user navigates away from the web page. So when the user navigates back to the page by clicking on back/forward buttons present in Chrome toolbar, Chrome restores the full state of the page from memory which makes the web page navigation faster.


Since the web pages are stored in memory, this feature provides instant navigation through previously visited web pages without any delay. When you use Back/Forward buttons to navigate between previously visited pages, the page is not loaded from scratch. It’s restored at the same state where you left the page even at the same scrolling position.

In simple words, when this feature is enabled and you visit a web page, the page is kept frozen or paused in memory by Chrome and when you revisit the page using Back or Forward buttons present in Chrome toolbar, the browser immediately resumes the page for you.

If you want to try the new Back/Forward Cache feature in Chrome, following steps will help you:

1. Open Google Chrome web browser and type chrome://flags/ in addressbar and press Enter. It’ll open the advanced configuration page.


2. Now type forward in the “Search flags” box.

It’ll directly go to following option:

Back-forward cache

Enables back-forward cache. NOTE: this feature is highly experimental and will lead to various breakages, up to and including user data loss. Do not enable unless you work on this feature – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android


3. To activate and enable Back/Forward cache feature in Chrome, select Enabled for Back-forward cache option from the drop-down box.

To deactivate and disable Back/Forward cache feature in Chrome, select Disabled for Back-forward cache option from the drop-down box.


4. Google Chrome will ask you to restart the browser. Click on “Relaunch now” button to restart Google Chrome.

That’s it. Now try to visit a few web pages and then navigate back to the pages using Back and Forward buttons and you’ll notice a huge improvement in loading time.

PS: If you decide to restore default settings for this feature in your Chrome browser, select “Default” option from the drop-down box and restart the browser.

Also Check:

[Tip] Enable Tab Freeze or Tab Suspend Feature in Google Chrome

Published in: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. Correction, not “possibly” damaging but absolutely. The printed warning says “will” lead to data loss and corruption, and strongly cautions against. Frankly am surprised you imply by your instructions that it can be ignored.

  2. Thanks. I enabled this feature and it really works. Going back to visited websites is instant. Did not face any issue yet.

  3. I’ve been using this feature for years in FireFox no issues in fact, as developers we’ve had to add some stupid hacks in order to support Chrome in our web platform. As our system modifies the Dom, the user submits, goes backwards and the Dom has reset, they then submit again and it erases what they previously submitted!

    It would be nice if this feature was enabled by default like it is in all other browsers.

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