How to Restore “Close All Tabs” Warning Message (Confirmation Prompt) in Internet Explorer?

If you are an Internet Explorer user, you might have noticed that when you open more than one tab and click on Close button, the browser shows a message box asking for your confirmation as shown in following screenshot:


The message box also contains a checkbox “Always close all tabs“. If you accidentally or intentionally enabled the checkbox while clicking on Close all tabs button, the browser will not show the warning message next time you try to close multiple tabs and will immediately close the window.


Now the question comes how to restore the warning message and confirmation prompt so that we don’t lose our running tabs if we accidentally click on Close button in future?

Here comes the solution! Internet Explorer provides a simple option in its Settings window to restore this confirmation prompt. You can use following easy steps to restore the warning message in Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools -> Internet Options.

2. It’ll open Internet Options window. Now click on “Settings” button present in Tabs section:


3. It’ll open Tabbed Browsing Settings window. Now enable “Warn me when closing multiple tabs” option:



4. That’s it. Click on OK button and it’ll restore the warning message and confirmation prompt in Internet Explorer.

Did you already know this trick or is it a new one for you? Please feel free to share your comment with other readers…

NOTE: If you are using any other web browser and want to enable or disable “Warn on Close” feature, following tutorial will help you:

[Tip] Enable / Disable Warning on Closing Multiple Tabs in All Web Browsers

Published in: Internet Explorer

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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  1. This confirmation message box is a life saver. I find myself closing IE all the time, without realizing I have more than one tab running. I like that you have to confirm before it closes, which can help you from losing important data. Do you know if there is another way you can safe-guard your tabs, besides this confirmation message?

  2. I tried restoring the warning on my dad’s computer for him like 3 times and it doesn’t work! Any more suggestions?

  3. I am using windows 8.1 and I see totally different options in Tools/Internet Options. My question is actually different and would make that warning unnecessary. Simply allow a second check box that when selected, will set the default to ALWAYS close only the current tab.

  4. Can this be done on IE 11 the app? (Not the desktop version). I can’t seem to find the same “tools” or “settings” page.

  5. Ah, thx. I looked around a little, then came here for info. It worked just fine.

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