Hash Reporter: Free Portable Utility to Calculate and Verify Hash Codes

Almost all of us download software and other files from Internet. It might be a free and small software or a large ISO file of a free public beta release of Windows OS. Many times when we download a file from a website, the website also provides hash code (CRC, SHA-1, MD5 or SHA-256) to verify the downloaded file.

Hash Code” is a unique identifier which helps you in validating the integrity of a file. Many times when you download a large file, you can use its hash code to verify whether the file was downloaded correctly or it got corrupted during the transfer process.

Hash code might come very handy when you download a file using a 3rd party uploading website or a mirror website. You can check the downloaded file with the help of its hash code and can determine whether the file is genuine or was modified to put malicious code.


Now the question comes how to verify hash code of a file? Here is the answer!

Hash Reporter” is a small, free and portable tool created by AskVG reader “Masroor Aijaz aka jX Gr3At” which helps you in calculating and verifying hash code of a file. It doesn’t need installation so you can also carry it on your USB drive. You just need to run the EXE file and you are ready to calculate hash codes.


Hash Reporter helps you in calculating following hash codes:

  • MD5
  • CRC32
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • RIPEMD160

It also allows you to export the hash code information to a text file.

You can download it using following link:

Download Hash Reporter


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Published in: Software, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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