Has Microsoft Removed Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 7 and Later?

Quick Launch” toolbar is a very essential feature in Windows and almost all Windows users use it to put their favorite applications shortcuts in taskbar to access them quickly and easily.

But people who have started using Windows 7 are wondering where is the “Quick Launch” toolbar in Windows 7? They can’t find it in Taskbar context menu:



So has Microsoft removed it in Windows 7? The answer is NO. Microsoft has not removed it but has integrated it tightly in taskbar. In fact they have made it quite easier than before.

Quick Launch toolbar has become Pinned Item in Windows 7. So if you want to add an application or any other thing in taskbar for easier access, then simply right-click on its shortcut and select “Pin to Taskbar“:


It’ll immediately add its shortcut in taskbar which will work same as quick launch toolbar. You can see in following screenshot, 4 items have been pinned to taskbar which looks like same as quick launch toolbar:


If you want to remove any pinned item from taskbar, simply right-click on it and select “Unpin this program from taskbar“:



So Quick Launch toolbar is still there but the name and look has changed which is better and easier IMO.

Also Check:

How to Get the Good Old “Quick Launch” Toolbar Back in Windows 7 and Later?

[Tip] Create a Portable Quick Launch Toolbar for Windows Taskbar

Published in: Windows 7

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


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