Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar Tweaks: Auto-Hide and Multi-Row Toolbar

Here are 2 great tips for Mozilla Firefox users. If you use Bookmarks to store your favorite websites links in Firefox, this topic will definitely help you.

Today in this tutorial, we are going to tell you how to make Bookmarks toolbar auto-hidden and how to make Bookmarks toolbar to show in multiple rows in Firefox.



So without wasting time, lets share the tricks:

1. Make Firefox Bookmarks toolbar Auto-hidden:

Open “userChrome.css” file and copy paste following lines at the end of file:

/* Auto-hide bookmarks toolbar */
#PersonalToolbar {visibility: collapse !important;}
#navigator-toolbox:hover > #PersonalToolbar {visibility: visible !important;}

2. Make Firefox Bookmarks toolbar to show in Multiple rows:

Open “userChrome.css” file and copy paste following lines at the end of file:

/* Multi-row bookmarks toolbar*/
{display:block !important;}
{display:block !important;
height: 35px !important;
overflow-y:auto !important;}
#bookmarksBarContent toolbarseparator
{display:inline !important;}
#bookmarksBarContent .bookmark-item
{visibility: visible !important;}
.chevron {height: 0px !important;}

NOTE: To know about the location and more information about “userChrome.css” file go through following link:

All About Mozilla Firefox Profile Folder and Configuration Files


Also Check:

[Fix] userChrome.css and userContent.css Codes Stopped Working After Firefox Upgrade

Published in: Mozilla Firefox

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. Is there any way to make it so that when the bar appears it come up in front of the page rather than shifting it down?

  2. When the bookmarks toolbar appears after being auto-hidden it pushes the contents of the page down. Is there any way to make the toolbar overlay the content of the page instead so that nothing shifts?

  3. ^^ Afaik not possible but will try to look into your request and if I come across any solution, will let you know.

  4. Hi. Does “Multiple rows” still work in Firefox 12? I had to create the chrome folder as well as the .css file with the code in it but it doesn’t work. Thanks.

  5. Great idea, and sthg I’ve been wanting forever. Didn’t work, though. I’m using FF v72.0.1.x64 … is there a more recent version of the code, or some tweak I need to do?


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