Add Image or Logo in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu in Windows XP

This tutorial will help you in adding your desired image or logo in Desktop and Explorer context menu (right-click menu) in Windows XP as shown in following screenshot:


If you want to add an image in context menu, simply follow these simple steps:


1. First download following ZIP file:

Download Link

After downloading, extract the ZIP file using 7-Zip or other software and you’ll get Image.dll file.

2. Now you’ll need to register this DLL file. Open Command Prompt and type following command:

regsvr32 DLL_File_Location

For example, if you saved the DLL file in D:\Image.dll, then run following command:

regsvr32 d:\Image.dll


3. That’s it. It’ll immediately add an image in Desktop and Explorer context menu.

4. If you decide to remove the image in future, you’ll need to unregister the DLL file by running following command in Command Prompt:

regsvr32 DLL_File_Location /u

You can watch following video to see the whole method live in action:

NOTE: If you want to change the image, you can edit the DLL file using Resource Hacker and replace the default image present in the file. You can add any BMP file (max size 96×96).

PS: We got this DLL file in a computer magazine’s CD longtime back. If anyone knows the person who created this DLL file, please let us know and we’ll provide credits to him.

Published in: Windows XP

About the author: Vishal Gupta (also known as VG) has been awarded with Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award. He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). He has written several tech articles for popular newspapers and magazines and has also appeared in tech shows on various TV channels.


NOTE: Older comments have been removed to reduce database overhead.

  1. That’s a brillant Easter egg treat, it’s a little different with 64bit professional SP2 XP, rules are the same, just image won’t show on desktop clicks but instead on right clicks on Save/Load dialogs.

  2. We NEED who ever made this so we can ask them to make one that works for Windows 10 😀

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